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Royal Mismanagement

The Royals are bad, the Royals have been bad. This is nothing new, in fact it's something so old that Royals fans are fed up with it and want to see immediate change. They're angry, and rightfully so. This is not the fault of the players mind you, but the fault of management. Dayton Moore, Mike Matheny, and Cal Eldredge all have to go, sooner rather than later if the Royals want to save what a lot of people already consider to be a lost season. 5 years to rebuild is too much, and results need to be shown now, however the Royals have gone completely backward.

Young talent needs a chance as I've said in past articles, the Bally situation needs to be sorted out so people can actually watch the games and care about the team (unless that is something you don't want, John Sherman, in which I completely understand because of how catastrophic the current situation is.), and the culprits who put this team, who has a ton of talent both in the majors and minors, into the factory of sadness need to be fired. If you've read my stuff or listened to me talk, you know I give the Royals a lot of slack, no longer after the godawful performance I witnessed yesterday. Giving up a 6 run lead is utterly inexcusable, and people need to start losing their jobs for inexcusable errors such as this. I do not care how long they've been with the team or how many years we've committed to them, EVERYONE is replaceable at this point if I am John Sherman. No ifs, ands, or buts, change needs to happen now and the stagnation/blatant decline needs to end. We are not the Browns of the MLB and I refuse to stoop to the organizational dumpster fire status, as a lifelong fan and Kansas Citian as well as a journalist who refuses to give up on this team.

Burn Notice: 10/10 Somebody put grease in the dumpster and now everything is up in flames, better call the FIRE department if you catch my drift...

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