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Opinion/Poll?: The Most Hated and Overrated Players To KC Sports Fans


Brady, Baumgartner, Ford, Elliott. Mention any of these names to KC sports fans and you'll more than likely catch a grimace or a long, drawn out rant about the topic surrounding said name and why they're so hated, or at the very least bring back memories of humiliation and tragedy. These 4 names are a given and in my opinion? Universally disliked among KC sports fans, however I wanted to think of more "hot" takes for this list. I invite others to make their own Top 5, but here are my Top 5 Most Hated and/or Overrated players:

  1. Tom Brady

The man can win games and championships, that I will not deny. However it's his status as the GOAT that I put into question. Yes, he won a lot and that means something, however so does on the field play. While he does hold a few records, it's mainly because he won't stay retired and has played for 22 years. Tom Brady is and always will be a system QB. He was put in great situations for each one of his marquee/Super Bowl seasons, and though he isn't a bad quarterback (pretty good actually) he isn't the best skill-wise and the fact that people call him the greatest football player, let alone athlete of all time, is ridiculous. I'm not going to go into how much I hate his personality, that's a full article in of itself.

2. Coach K/Really Everything Duke stands for

Good old Puke University, God where do I begin? Your coach is overrated to no end, you can't produce NBA stars NEARLY as well as you think you do (mainly because most of your players leave after a year) and your fanbase is the most insufferable in all of college basketball. Coach K doesn't show up for his players and decides to create a media circus to let you know that he's retiring even though nobody outside the Duke universe is celebrating his career genuinely, and y'all, people hated Christian Laetner because he was a punk, not because he was good. How'd his NBA career turn out? I really wanted to put this at #1 but god do I hate Brady with every fiber of my being.

3. Tyreek Hill

He's a compulsive liar and a proven abuser. Do I think he deserves death threats solely because he left the Chiefs? Absolutely not, but him being on the team always made it a bit uneasy having to root for him. Then again the NFL kind of has a track record with abusers. Best of luck to him and Tua, I guess.

4. Chase Daniel

AS A KU FAN WHO ATTENDED THE 2007 BORDER WAR, I have to be frank. Chase Daniel traumatized me. In what felt like negative temperatures on my frail 11 year old body, he torched my Jayhawks and ruined the dream of being #1 in the nation. Thankfully, Chase redeemed himself by being one of the best backups in Chiefs history, KU made the Orange Bowl (Which by the way, is the lone BCS bowl in the past 15 years that KSU, Mizzou, or Kansas has been in) and eventually we got him back the next year. Still, thanks Chase for making me cry.

5. Jose Bautista

Yes, I know we beat the Blue Jays and not the MadBum led Giants (I do still hate MadBum) but Jose Bautista has irked me even when we weren't playing him. He's hotheaded, cocky, and outright compromises his team's chemistry with how big headed he is. He's never been all that great and declined hard after 2015, so there's a bit of justice I guess. Still hope he never sees the league again, Jose Bautista? More like Jose BUMtista (This is how I end it...)

(Dis)honorable mentions: MadBum, John Calipari, Dee Ford, Bill Belichick, Marcus Smart

I'd love to know your list in the comments below or any of my socials. You don't even have to be a KC sports fan to participate, I welcome vitriol of any kind in this post, whether it's for or against KC sports. Best ones will be featured in a future ScorchCast as always!

Burn Notice: 10/10 SEETHING with rage

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